Monday, December 3, 2007
Back from Bethel
It is so good for our students to stay at Killabuk, they loved hearing and seeing the Yup'ik language. We actually didn't have to wait until we got to Killabuk, we heard Yup'ik on the plane to Bethel and my kids loved it. They are always motivated to want to learn their own language as well as Yup'ik when we go on this trip. The classroom we stayed in was very decorated in all sorts of learning material, it looked like a great classroom, and 90% of it was in Yup'ik!
When we flew over the communities as we got closer to Bethel I was wondering, is that Magdelina down there or is that Kendra? I sure miss you all. I was also relieved to see the river (Kuskokwim). I am a nervous flier and it did not help that both flight were turbulant and I had prior warnings that they would be from the pilots LOL!
OH! It was 50 degrees there and NO SNOW!!! We walked around in mud. Isn't that crazy. You could see the tundra! I couldn't believe the weather for December!
You all take care. Miss you all!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Just Something I tried Getting ADN to Print
Communities Taking Action in Preserving
Alaska Native Cultures
What is your community doing to preserve the Alaska Native Culture? Studies have shown that students who know their cultural background have a better chance of benefiting in the Western educational system. As a country, we have known this since at least the Meriam Act. In Alaska we even have cultural standards in our State educational system, yet our actions are not backing up these facts.
Policy makers continue to say we can’t fund this or that because of funding which in part are do to decreasing numbers in rural Alaska schools. I have heard this countless times in our community, as well as through my studies as an Elementary Education major. We cannot depend on our districts to take charge of the situation; it is up to you and your fellow community members.
At our last Native Education Committee our high school students listed some of these cultural activities they wanted such as a survival class, they wanted to learn a type of Alaska Native Dancing, an Alaska Native language, and participate in the traditional Native games. Our students want to know about their community, their history. We must listen to our community needs and our youth, and just “do it”.
This is our just “do it” start.
This year we have one of our largest Junior Native Youth Olympic teams. We have 13 students that will be traveling to State as well as 2 senior Native Youth Olympic athletes, and 5 chaperones. Last year there were only 3 students traveling and no Bethel trip. We take our 5th through 8th graders to Bethel for a traditional Native games competition. Our budget is over $16,000 the district has given us $760.
Many of these cultural activities will be made possible by your time volunteering.
As a community we have seen how our children shine through the traditional games, Native and Non-Native children alike. Parents, community members and athletes have spent numerous hours of volunteering from putting on dinners, to shoveling snow, selling pies, to an antler drive, to raffles, to seeking corporate sponsors we received six; Crowley Marine, the McGrath Clinic, MTNT, MLP, AC McGrath Store and the Fraternal Order of the Alaska State Troopers. That still leaves a big chunk to be raised, but the people in our community have not given up on our youth and through every fundraiser we have had a success. What do the students in your community want? If your district is not providing those opportunities or you have heard the excuse they can’t, you can. Our community is doing it and so can yours.
McGrath’s latest population update is down to 321. There are currently 53 students enrolled in the school from grades K-12.
Junior Native Youth Olympics will be held January 11, 12, and 13th at Mirror Lake Middle School.
Noel Strick-I am a senior majoring in Elementary Education through Interior Aleutians Campus, University of Alaska Fairbanks. I am the Chair for our Native Education Committee. I am the volunteer JNYO coach as well as a mother of two. I work as a DJ in the morning for KSKO 870 am and a Facilitator for IAC-UAF in the afternoons. Contact information: e-mail.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Day by Day, Activities for our students what it is like
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I am so worried about making it to JNYO in January. We have 7 weeks and $7,000 more to raise. We have asked for corporate sponsors to give $500 and in return we are putting their names on our t-shirts. We are also trying to raise enough money for our volleyball team to make it to Regionals in Golovin, but they only need $1,500 and we are doing an Asian dinner on Monday that should bring in $1,000, plus they have a small raffle going on. Back to JNYO we have been shoveling, cooking, raffles, etc.. Our community has really been active, but with our numbers getting smaller they can only do so much. So, I can't help but wonder why the District didn't try to find grants to help subsidize some of our programs the students love? My husband says don't do as much, because it does stress me out. My back is going out and I am breaking out like crazy, but if we don't do it who will? Everything I do he is tied into, but we need to for our children. Also, I found out I need 4 classes and the only way I can take them all is by being in Fairbanks. There is no way I could handle them via correspondence. I just don't know. When I wasn't here we had no Senior NYO team and our JNYO team had only 4 athletes compared to this years 14. I know I make a difference for our youth, but I need to take care of myself and kids so moving to Fairbanks is becoming more of a reality, yet I feel like I am betraying my community. This really just sucks. It was fun watching all the students! We even had some preschoolers and Kind students play. I was going to upload a video from our potluck last night, but the computer wouldn't let me. So, here is a picture of my son doing wrist carry.
:) PEACE & my thought today coming from a rural town with a district like ours, is do not allow money to make a choice for you and do not accept it as an excuse through the grace of others who do see the value in what you do for your youth goodness can happen!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I've taken on a new look....what do you think?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Making a collage
I am doing okay. I have taken on a third job just for the week as a family that is like family to ours is having a family emergancy, as in extreme emergency. You know one thing about living in a rural community versus a urban is that we are attached. I have no choice but to help out my community because I am a part of it. I wish this philosophy extended into the school. But really when one family is hurting here everyone steps in to help them. In the city we were cut from that and I think that is such a huge part of me as a person, needing that family. I realize in urban Alaska people do work together, I just feel because I see all 300 + people of our town almost daily I know them "more" then I did in Fairbanks and Anchorage. In any case I hope all works out for my friends, and I hope you are all doing well. HEY I just a lightbulb switch on. Do you suppose because we come from Rural Alaska and we do better in our intensives together because we have that bond that we are so familiar with? I am not sure, but you are all dear to me and it is so nice when I do get to see you all!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Greetings My Friends

My friends, my life is just crazy right now. I could use about 20 hugs, lol. I have started another job in the afternoons working at IAC. Tues and Thur I am doing my civic duty, and one of my life passions, coaching JNYO. We had 13 students our first practice and I hear more are showing up today! That is close to at least a 1/4 of our students! And guess what?! The SCHOOL has no budget for us. So, I have until now and Jan 11 to raise over $12,000.
Oh, our Native Education Committee start their meetings this week too!
Three of my four classes are going okay, but my correspondence HIST 115 is back logged. I need a big kick in the a$$ to get motivated with that one! My poor son has been acting up at school, but not terribly. You know we had this problem with him two years ago here at this same school! AND HE DID SO GOOD IN FAIRBANKS!!! So, I really think my children will stir us back to Fairbanks next year. And on top of that my daughter is going to have to play co-ed basketball because there are not enough boys for a boys team!!! And "village ball" was one of the major reasons we moved back here! I am so frustrated!
Okay, well I hope no negativety has streamed through the computer! You just smile and give me a hug through osmosis. Thank you I needed that! Miss you all and keep going, we have no choice, we must fight back the ethnic cleansing of the early 1900s! hehe
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
My Weekly Post
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Technology Progression or Regression
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
UA Video scholarhip opportunity
Hey, check out this cool scholarship. I have been sharing my videos with my friends, and
my cousin who works for UAF sent this to me. I don't know if any of us are up to
it or not, but it might be fun to try to make a video for UAF. Just thought I would
pass this on.
This is a scholarship contest. Student can create a video/commercial for UA
and be entered to win a 1 year scholarship. Thought it was interesting.
Below is more information.
How to Enter
Submit a video that shows what all of the choices that the University of
Alaska has to offer means to you and you could win one of five 1-year
scholarships! To enter, record your video and submit it to
before December 15, 2007.
Video submission requirements:
1. Videos entered in the contest should demonstrate what choices the
University of Alaska has to offer and how you are impacted by all the
2. Video entries must be submitted in the following video file
formats: .MOV or .FLV or .WMV and must be no longer than three minutes in
3. Video must be in English.
4. Entry must be original, unpublished, the sole property of
submitter, and not previously submitted in any other contest.
5. Entries must not include unsuitable, inappropriate or offensive
conduct or content.
6. If you include music, you must use one of the choices of the music
provided here <> .
7. To be eligible to win, all entrants must fill out and either mail
or fax two forms:
Release and the Talent
Release Form.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Class Video Assignment
This is the second time I have had to edit this Blog. I am soooo sorry Skip for not mentioning you in my credits! The music cuts were provided by the CD you sent to us. Highway patrol and Skylar Blue, were the songs. Thank you for providing the music!
I had so much fun with this video too! I swear I may go into some sort of media productions! This was so much fun! Skip thank you so much for providing me the opportunity to learn all of this. I found a way to overlap the noise, as you can see. This really wasn't instructional but more motivational. I hope this all works, and for those of you checking this out, I hope you enjoy the movie! I had to come back for editting, I believe that picture of the Gibbens children might be their son Kody and not Kaden, I couldn't tell, and then I started evaluating it more and more and now I am not sure. They are my best friend's children and she knows I am using this photo. Anyhow, I just wanted to throw that side note out. I was all excited about being able to upload our videos onto the Blogger, I think I moved to fast. I need an editor. :)!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Flickrslidr Show :) McGrath
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Panraven - Edit Story
Well, this is what I came up with for a story. I had 70 pictures to start off with. You can check some of them out at my panraven sight. There was so much to share, but I wanted to also make it a fun book for a young audience as well. Please let me know if you have an suggestions or feed back. Skip, how do I turn this in? Thanks.
Just in case your not sure, you just have to hit the blue title above to get to the story.
Panraven Story
Well, this is what I came up with for a story. I had 70 pictures to start off with. You can check some of them out at my panraven sight. There was so much to share, but I wanted to also make it a fun book for a young audience as well. Please let me know if you have an suggestions or feed back. Skip, how do I turn this in? Thanks.
I wasn't sure if the first link would work so I provided another. Let me know. Thanks again!
Skip I read your blog about our class and it was very thoughtful, thank you. Just being in that class was motivation for me, surrounded by such strength! I tried posting to you, but couldn't.
Anywho, I am getting a little stressed about assignments I don't want to not turn something in.
On another note, teacher in-service next week, conveniently it is also the start of moose hunting. I have my fingers crossed that we get one! Unfortunately, I have to miss some of hunting, as I am taking our runners to Nikolai for a meet next weekend.
In closing someone set me straight on the assignments! PLEASE :)! Thank you!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pan Raven Project
Okay, well I have to go running. I have been running with our x-country running team, which consists of my son, my daughter and a cousin. :) Our first meet is in Nikolai on the 8th of Sept then I believe we go to Nome on the 15th of Sept for regionals. So, if any of you will be there, I may be too as a chaperon. That word looks odd!
Take Care!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Community Message Board HOT HOT HOT
Anyways if you get a chance, check out the message board. Our community put it together to communicate and as you can see it has also been serving as a venting piece. LOL, f.y.i. shortly after my second posting responding to the messanger the Assistant District Super Intendant left a message on my phone saying next time I should contact their office first before going to the message board. It wasn't a nice message to say the least.
It just goes to say if your not doing anything no one will talk about you, the minute you try you get faced with opposition. But, look at all the people that responded to my thread on the message board. We can make a difference!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Pan Raven and the Trip in general
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
I think I am like everyone in the class when I say how fun and exciting it was to learn about all these new tools for teaching and just using in general! It was a bit rough getting started on Pan Raven, but I am excited about going home and starting to take pictures. This is the motivation I need, as I have a children's story in my head I have been wanting to write. I think my first Pan Raven story will be about McGrath.
My biggest concern is loosing my notebook with all these @(#*$&(#*)&$ passwords.
It was a good week. It was nice meeting all of you and Skip thank you for doing such a great job teaching. You sincerity and enthusiasm was so evident and beneficial to us all.
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Power Point and Inspiration
Good Day! Hello, it has been a really exciting last couple of days working on Power Point and Inspiration. Power Point I have used before, but I have always just stayed with the basics. It has been good for me to be forced to use tools I haven't before such as creating an arrow and giving it animation. I may use Power Point with my kids in the future for a presentation or just to teach them how to use it for their presentations, and I know for sure I will use it with my side work.
Inspiration has been new to me, with the exception of the module work I did to get here. I can see using it as a tool for students to create outlines for their writings or class presentations. I have seen 5th graders suffer trying to put their ideas in order and this is such a wonderful tool to help them brain storm, group their ideas, hit the outline tool, and TADAH!!! I would also use this to give presentations because the students could follow my pattern and I could use the link tool to show them example of whatever we are studying. You could use this software for any academic area. Even language. We could show a word, play the word, and bring up a source online.
Monday, August 6, 2007