My friends, my life is just crazy right now. I could use about 20 hugs, lol. I have started another job in the afternoons working at IAC. Tues and Thur I am doing my civic duty, and one of my life passions, coaching JNYO. We had 13 students our first practice and I hear more are showing up today! That is close to at least a 1/4 of our students! And guess what?! The SCHOOL has no budget for us. So, I have until now and Jan 11 to raise over $12,000.
Oh, our Native Education Committee start their meetings this week too!
Three of my four classes are going okay, but my correspondence HIST 115 is back logged. I need a big kick in the a$$ to get motivated with that one! My poor son has been acting up at school, but not terribly. You know we had this problem with him two years ago here at this same school! AND HE DID SO GOOD IN FAIRBANKS!!! So, I really think my children will stir us back to Fairbanks next year. And on top of that my daughter is going to have to play co-ed basketball because there are not enough boys for a boys team!!! And "village ball" was one of the major reasons we moved back here! I am so frustrated!
Okay, well I hope no negativety has streamed through the computer! You just smile and give me a hug through osmosis. Thank you I needed that! Miss you all and keep going, we have no choice, we must fight back the ethnic cleansing of the early 1900s! hehe
Oh Noel, I miss you!! I am sitting here listening to ed 420, oh, just heard your voice. I like your collage picture, how did you do that? I'm sorry about your crazy budget issues. Is there some way the rest of us distance students can help? Maybe write letters or something...Maybe you can get some corporate sponsors or something...What is the Native Education committee? I'm bogged down in school too. For example, instead of listening to class, I am responding to you and doing another assignment. and I still have to finish ed 330 and ed 429, argh...(my inner pirate, jk) I feel like going ostich (sp?)and sticking my head in the sand, in this case getting into bed and not coming out until Christmas.
Hey Erika, I am surprised we are watching a video via audio, it is very frustrating for me to try to pick out what I can. Thank you so much for responding! It was good to hear from you! I am having the students write a little bit about the games and I am going to see what corporate money I can find with their testimony to the games :). Thanks again for the message. Made me smile!
Hey Noel, As much as you are struggling I commend you that still participated in the school and community through your NYO. I too am struggling with my semester courses. I think I am beginning to live like a hermit and the crabbiness is creeping in. I don't know whether to moan or celebrate the fact that its midterm. I would also love to know how you do those collages. I know you will do a great job in your assignments. Just focus on what you have in front of you and let the others faze out until your hands are ready to work on them. Sending lots of hugs and virtual chocolate :P or whatever comfort senses you need to now.
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