Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Technology Progression or Regression

I have blogged before about our little community message board in McGrath, but under different circumstances. I am so bummed right now and it is because of our message board. I often wonder if I should even read it. At times it is an outlet for angry people who are choosing to put messages on with anonymous names. Perhaps technology has helped us communicate more but at what costs. There is something to be said about direct communication. If you go to our message board today you will see a posting about a white van. People and companies sell things here all the time, and at times you do have to know where to look to see the advertisement, none the less they are advertised. Anyway if you want to see what can happen to a message board where anonymous messages can be left -Check This Out http://members2.boardhost.com/MCG-Community/index.html?1190756337.


skipvia said...

Technology isn't always a good thing, is it?...

mcdalton said...

On the progressive side of technology...I just figured out how to make my comments on each and everyone's entries...hooray! I did visit your McGrath site, looks interesting. The same company that wants to sell you a white van is trying to upgrade your slow internet services today. Just remember, everyone has their own agenda and you stick with yours like super glue and pretty soon everyone will inch towards yours.