Friday, November 16, 2007

Day by Day, Activities for our students what it is like

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I am so worried about making it to JNYO in January. We have 7 weeks and $7,000 more to raise. We have asked for corporate sponsors to give $500 and in return we are putting their names on our t-shirts. We are also trying to raise enough money for our volleyball team to make it to Regionals in Golovin, but they only need $1,500 and we are doing an Asian dinner on Monday that should bring in $1,000, plus they have a small raffle going on. Back to JNYO we have been shoveling, cooking, raffles, etc.. Our community has really been active, but with our numbers getting smaller they can only do so much. So, I can't help but wonder why the District didn't try to find grants to help subsidize some of our programs the students love? My husband says don't do as much, because it does stress me out. My back is going out and I am breaking out like crazy, but if we don't do it who will? Everything I do he is tied into, but we need to for our children. Also, I found out I need 4 classes and the only way I can take them all is by being in Fairbanks. There is no way I could handle them via correspondence. I just don't know. When I wasn't here we had no Senior NYO team and our JNYO team had only 4 athletes compared to this years 14. I know I make a difference for our youth, but I need to take care of myself and kids so moving to Fairbanks is becoming more of a reality, yet I feel like I am betraying my community. This really just sucks. It was fun watching all the students! We even had some preschoolers and Kind students play. I was going to upload a video from our potluck last night, but the computer wouldn't let me. So, here is a picture of my son doing wrist carry.

:) PEACE & my thought today coming from a rural town with a district like ours, is do not allow money to make a choice for you and do not accept it as an excuse through the grace of others who do see the value in what you do for your youth goodness can happen!


skipvia said...

Sorting out priorities is one of the things I hate about being an adult. It was easier when someone else did that for you. But think about where you can do the most good in the long run. Getting your classes taken care of gives you more options in the future. Of course, I'm a teacher, so that's where I'm coming from...

Thersea D. Gibson said...

It's amazing how much difference one person can make-but maybe you being away can help some other people realize that too. It always seems to take a long time for someone new to step up to help and that's hard to wait for when you want so much for the kids. I hope the students themselves will realize how much power each individual has. On the other hand, I'll be thrilled to have you back in town.Smiles!