Tuesday, January 15, 2008

JNYO Success & College Update

I just got back from Anchorage. We had 14 students competing and ended up with 7 medals. I know I know it is not about the medals, but they sure are a fun extra bonus. Our students behaved so wonderfully. We had 3 days of competition and some of the days our students didn't compete so they would have to sit and watch their team mates. Imagine that, 7 1st and 2nd graders just sitting for hours!!! I would encourage anyone reading this in Rural Alaska to get your students out anyway you can for the experience alone. We took our students ice skating at the Dimond Center and they didn't want to leave the rink! Yes, even though we live in icey conditions this was the first time for many to go ice skateing, and they loved it. They also loved the 5th avenue with all the escalators and the glass evelvator! It was a wonderful trip!

My school up date is that I am still going to finish up this semester so I can student teach in the fall (keep your fingers crossed)! I am having to take classes here though and not in Fairbanks, because I couldn't get into the dorms I wanted. So, that means three of my classes are paperbased through correspondence, UGH! I am just going to have to be disciplined!

Well, I am not sure if anyone is still reading these, but I thought I would give it a shot, just in case!


skipvia said...

That sounds like a great trip. I'm sure that much of that was due to your dedication and guidance. Congratulations to your athletes, too.

Are you going to do your student teaching in McGrath or in Fairbanks?

noelstrick said...

I am not sure where I am going to do my student teaching, I know I am 80% sure I do not want to be here next year for the sake of my children! I feel terrible for having brought them back. I can see the difference already in what my son use to turn in and what he is turning in now, as far as English goes. I would love to be in Fairbanks, but my husband's job would rather him be in Anchorage, this would be the major dilima for now.

KendraKrenz said...

Hi Noel,
I decided to keep this blog and I still check it every now and then.
Good luck this semester! Talk to you in class.

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