Monday, September 10, 2007

Class Video Assignment

This is the second time I have had to edit this Blog. I am soooo sorry Skip for not mentioning you in my credits! The music cuts were provided by the CD you sent to us. Highway patrol and Skylar Blue, were the songs. Thank you for providing the music!

I had so much fun with this video too! I swear I may go into some sort of media productions! This was so much fun! Skip thank you so much for providing me the opportunity to learn all of this. I found a way to overlap the noise, as you can see. This really wasn't instructional but more motivational. I hope this all works, and for those of you checking this out, I hope you enjoy the movie! I had to come back for editting, I believe that picture of the Gibbens children might be their son Kody and not Kaden, I couldn't tell, and then I started evaluating it more and more and now I am not sure. They are my best friend's children and she knows I am using this photo. Anyhow, I just wanted to throw that side note out. I was all excited about being able to upload our videos onto the Blogger, I think I moved to fast. I need an editor. :)!


skipvia said...

Outstanding! I watched it several times before I could take myself away to make some comments. You have an excellent sense of timing and pacing, and the photos and videos are beautifully done. I love the theme, too. It would make a great storybook idea.

The excitement you are feeling about creating this kind of media will also be present in your students. It's a great motivator, and the stories really need telling.

Thersea D. Gibson said...

Noel you are so awesome! You and your students are going to bring the River to everyone. I can't get over how artistic your stuff is. Great job! Theresa Diane